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Surgery Support Feedback from Clients

Feedback from clients focuses on how comforted they felt going into surgery, knowing someone would be tracking them. They would not be alone. They also said they felt so supported by the loved ones who came to visit.

“I was going through a difficult time. Now I feel much less anxiety. The biggest gains are hard to put down on paper… A calmness, understanding and acceptance of the everyday world I still live in... A richer, more fulfilling life as I age without fear.” JN

"It helped me manage my anxiety before the procedure and I was so profoundly comforted by what Korie reported.” RM

“It strengthened my faith and I knew I could heal.”

“Korie’s {energy} work going ahead of my entrée to the chemo clinic and the emergency room, hospital unit and the operating rooms was immeasurable”. BCP

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me in the last year and a half. [i] really really appreciate it. Thank you for your immeasurable assistance and support.” J

“No matter how much Korie had on her own plate, she always made time for me, and words cannot describe how much it meant.” RN

It was amazing what Korie could see in the OR!” AM

“Coming through all the surgeries and infections, etc. with Korie, always making herself available to me, it was unbelievable and amazing, knowing someone is there for me in the future, too, gives me great comfort.” J

It gave me such peace to know you were watching out for me. Thank you!” AM

“My biggest gains were some of my insights, knowing with certainty and feeling it, that I was not alone, and there was a strength more powerful than me always willing to stay with me and help me.” J, Breast Cancer Survivor

“There is the skill of being a healer and there are those who take healing to an art form, whose talent is incomparable and inexplicable; Korie is the latter and she singlehandedly changed my experience leading up to major surgery. As I journeyed through the endless nooks and crannies leading up to it, I relied on Korie to bring me back into balance. Her gift is her ability to bring spirit and body into alignment, and she helped me access my own Power, internal strength, wisdom and peace. For this, I feel endless gratitude.” GF

Tomorrow: Details on the first surgery observation day.

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